Friday, March 23, 2007

Why I search

I often wonder why I continue to search...I believe that it is because of my childhood. I was the second child adopted by my parents. I have always felt that I was ignored to often. My adopted parents were divorced by the time I was three, and my brother and I became the "objects to own" by them both. When I was younger my Brother was always the object of desire, and it caused friction between us. So, I search to find maybe what I lacked as a child. I am very grateful to my Birth Parents for placing me for adoption, and not taking an easier way out. I wish to cause no pain. I love my live now, not that it is perfect. I have a wonderful and supportive husband, and three great children. If I had not been placed for adoption, I would not have that.

1 comment:

3rd generation adoption said...

Your story sounds a lot like mine. Feel free to read. I have been successful in reunion and yes, it's worth doing. It will cause you to freak out, get angry, feel rejected and at the same time, it'll show you just how much knowing who you look like and how much the history that you will find out will mean to you. It will answer questions about you that you always thought were simply unanswerable. For instance, as a kid, I had an insatiable curiosity about the game of pool and billiards. Noone in my adopted family seemed to care and they simply ignored this "wierdness in me". When I found my bfamily, I discovered my father was a pool shark. Things come together and circuits that never seemed to connect, connect. If you need support, let me know. I'll help you in your search as well. I accomplished mine before the internet was public (1981-1984).

