Thursday, May 17, 2007

I Just maybe related!

For some time, many of us have wondered just who is Jack Schitt. We find ourselves at a loss when someone says, 'You don't know Jack Schitt!' Well, thanks to my genealogy efforts, you can now respond in an intellectual way.
Jack Schitt is the only son of Awe Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt, Inc. They had one son, Jack.
In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt. The deeply religious couple produced six children: Holie Schitt, Giva Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt.
Against her parents' objections, Deep Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school dropout. After being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later married Ted Sherlock, and because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Schitt Sherlock.
Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt, and they produced a son with a rather nervous disposition named Chicken Schitt. Two of the other six children, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony. The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens nuptials. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Horse. Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recently returned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt. Now when someone says, 'You don't know Jack Schitt,' you can correct them.
Sincerely, Crock O. Schitt
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

After being sent this email, I think I may have been related to the son of Dip Schitt and Loda Schitt, and they produced a son with a rather nervous disposition named Chicken Schitt.

I can sometimes have a rather nervous disposition, and I know that I can be Chicken Schitt when it comes to seriously finding any birth family. All it would take is a little nerve and money.

Well, the money part may have just been solved. I recently was excepted in a medical secretary position. So, no more excuses on not having the money, and feeling guilty about taking from my family.

Now I need to find the courage to send the money when I can, and realize that my Birth Mother may not want contact, or god forbid be dead. I just have to do it, but I am scared.

It is funny how I can rationalize on this blog, but when it comes to the real world I chicken out.


Lisa said...

From a former foster child:

I was never adopted, but as an advocate for people in and from foster care, I care deeply about this issue.

Just learned about this new resource and thought you might be interested because you blog about issues re: adoption.

As a former foster who was never adopted, I can't contribute myself, but I plan to read and learn!


Cuisine Wanderer said...

You made me laugh at the whole Schmitt thing! As a adopted adult who has spent a long time searching it was wonderful to see it in writing! Thank you for putting a smile on my face!

Cuisine Wanderer said...

You made me laugh at the whole Schmitt thing! As a adopted adult who has spent a long time searching it was wonderful to see it in writing! Thank you for putting a smile on my face!

Maria Wren said...

This made me smile! As an adoptee I can relate to a lot of this, thanks!